Is Your Facility Secure Enough? How To Safeguard Your Business With A Full-Proof Fire Control & Evacuation Plan

One of the most dangerous hazards in the workplace is fire. It is a hazard not just to the employees but also to the general public nearby.

Thousands of companies are affected by fires every year, resulting in injury or even fatalities, property damage and lost customer trust.

Besides, workplace fires can put the worksite out of service for an extended period.

With a full-proof fire prevention plan and preparedness, companies can strategically avoid massive loss and secure their business. All they need is a fire control and evacuation plan customized as per their facility.

Without further ado, let’s delve deeper into some of the best practices for fire control and evacuation in the workplace:

  1. Develop an Emergency Fire Evacuation Strategy

Is your team prepared in the event of a fire? Where should they go? Whom should they contact? What is the best course of action? The best approach is to implement a comprehensive, proactive workplace fire evacuation strategy.

  • It’s simpler to respond to an emergency when everyone understands their roles.
  • Create a thorough fire evacuation plan that specifies how and when to respond and how to get out of the building.
  • If any employee has specific requirements or needs extra care, make sure you include this information in the plan.

Bottom line

While each fire evacuation plan must include some fundamental aspects, some aspects of your fire emergency evacuation must be tailored to your company. Thus, a proactive approach to fire safety is consequently required as part of management due diligence.

  1. Implement A Fire Prevention Strategy

Fire prevention and evacuation procedures outline the personnel who are responsible for detecting flammable materials, fire dangers, and heat-producing equipment at a facility. It also lays out the steps to take in the event of an emergency. This includes:

  • Knowing where the nearest emergency exits are and keeping them free of obstructions at all times.
  • Keeping the fire extinguishers in place.
  • Regular inspection of buildings and equipment.
  • Building employee awareness by conducting training programs.
  • Designating internal safety officers.

Bottom line

The most crucial aspect of any risk management approach is prevention. Implementation of a fire prevention and evacuation strategy will save the companies a considerable amount of money, time and effort. All personnel should be informed about the fire protection strategy, which should be available in writing for inspection at any time.

  1. Provide Necessary Fire Training to Team Members

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) demand yearly fire extinguisher training for employees. Every employee must receive the necessary training and be informed of any new or revised rules. They should have an understanding of:

  • Various types of fires
  • Different types of extinguishing agents
  • The type of fire extinguisher to use for different types of fires
  • Using a fire extinguisher

Bottom line

It is a legal obligation for your company’s facility manager to train your employees in fire safety procedures. The employees should have a thorough knowledge of the general responsibilities and tasks.

  1. Build Emergency and Exit Lights

Implement a routine maintenance schedule to check lights and replace damaged or burned-out bulbs. This will ensure that pathways of egress and departure are lighted at all times. In addition, test the exit lights and emergency backup power on a regular basis to ensure they are operational. Typically, emergency escape lights will be necessary to illuminate the following areas:

  • Escape routes
  • Emergency escape signs
  • All individual exit doors
  • Corridor intersections
  • On exterior escape routes and outside each final exit
  • Stairways and lifts

Bottom line

A visible escape path marked by lights makes it easier to evacuate the building during a fire safely. The purpose of emergency escape lighting is to highlight escape routes such as hallways and stairwells and the location of fire-fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers and security equipment.

  1. Maintain Proper Housekeeping Services

The importance of daily housekeeping activities in keeping facilities free of fire hazards cannot be overstated. Following are the essential factors to take care of:

  • Make sure garbage and packing materials are contained in metal containers with secure closures.
  • To decrease the risk of fire, promptly clean up combustible items such as oil and chemical spills.
  • Extra storage and equipment should be kept away from aisles and fire exits and should not interfere with automatic sprinkler systems.

Bottom line

Since workers have less space to move in a congested workplace, it can lead to ergonomic difficulties and even accidents. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain proper housekeeping services and keep the workplace clutter-free.

  1. Create Preventive Maintenance

The facility managers need to enlist a certified and licensed fire protection company for safety tests, repairs to fire protection equipment and quality inspections. The equipment maker and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) should establish frequencies according to the NFPA code. Besides, creating a fire emergency response team is also imperative. It entails:

  • Creation of a group of individuals who have been taught and informed on fire emergency protocols.
  • Enforcing fire safety and methods of prevention throughout the building.
  • Educating team members how to assist each other during an emergency and guiding them to safety.

Bottom line

Getting the right people on board is imperative. The facility managers should set goals for the preventative maintenance plan and collect detailed information on the existing equipment. Additionally, educating the employees on assisting others and guiding them during an emergency is crucial.

Final thoughts

If you follow these recommendations, you can rest assured that your workers will be prepared in the event of a fire and will be able to respond appropriately and safely.

We have outlined essential points like fire evacuation procedures, fire safety procedures and emergency procedures for fire that will help you plan things way ahead of time.

We want you to prioritize fire safety procedures with reliable fire control and evacuation provider like S&IB, who offers a comprehensive range of fire safety and disaster